Saturday, March 01, 2008

Seven years are over

I think that my seven years of bad luck might have finally come to an end. On my outing today I received four very special things. Two I bought... I was given...

...and one that was bought for me...

(no photos yet, sorry)

Care to guess what they are?

I'll blog about it tomorrow; but you know, I've had nothing but bad timing and worse luck since January 2000. I shouldn't have broken that mirror, even if it was an accident. Thank goodness these things don't last forever.

1 comment:

  1. The first looks like it may be a spinning wheel, and the third could be handcards (or a drum carder? given to you?! that would be awesome!). I am quite intrigued by the second one, though, especially by the felted I-cord(?) running over this lovely piece of wood. As for the fourth, well, some fairy dust? Hmmm, no, I guess that can't be bought...
    Anyways, it all looks like a great way to put a definitive end to a way too long stretch of bad luck!
