Saturday, May 29, 2010

Chantilly and other tatting

Midnight violets is finished and in the process of being sewn onto it's new home.

Here is a photo of the tatting after row one.

It already looks great but have a look at what happens when the second row is tatted.

Very nice. I am extremely pleased with how this turned out.

I am beginning to think that all tatting looks better in person than it does on the internet.

This Chantilly pattern (see also Piecework) has some beautiful photos to its name banging around the internet. But, I wouldn't have tried it if I hadn't some thread left on the bobbin after finishing the violets. I was also in a funny sort of a mood where I didn't want to start a serious project. So I tatted a few repeats of this while watching Poirot. Each pattern repeat is just a little bit larger than the size of a dime.

When I look at my photo, I think, well, that's nice enough. But when I look at the lace in person, I think that if I ever got married, this is what I would have trimming my wedding dress. It would look totally awesome as a trim on a sleeve cuff.


  1. I have no doubt it looks even better in person, but even through your pictures I think it's really lovely, lovely work. :)

  2. As one of the tatters who has also posted photos of Chantilly lace on her blog, I must commend you on your fine lacework. Both of your laces are very beautiful!

    You deserve a standing ovation! (and some chocolate) Well done!

  3. Both pieces are very pretty. Well done. What is the thread that you used for these?

  4. Thank you.

    I've used a linen 2/9 weaving thread. I don't know the tatting equivalent.

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  6. Well done! It's true - no matter how well presented on the internet, it is better in person.
