Monday, June 07, 2010

Twist Collective

I love online knitting Magazines. I know they don't have the same tactile quality as a printed one, but they are so much more accessible.

Knitty is the first dependable online source of knitting patterns that I came across. It's actually Canadian which always makes me smile. They provide free patterns, articles and even spinning information via KnittySpin. The only problem I've had with Knitty is that they are too popular. When a new edition comes out, half the world seems to flock to their site, slowing it down for those first few days. It's a lot like trying to shop on Boxing day: a task better left to the professionals and the highly dedicated. I usually leave it a few days and unlike boxing day, the patterns are still there in all their glory for everyone to enjoy.

Then there is the Twist Collective. They combine the online magazine idea with the paper magazine format. That is to say that it's viewed online but you flip through the pages as if you were reading a magazine. It's lovely. There are articles, question and answer sections, and direct links to where one can buy the suggested yarn for each pattern.

Also, they have something that I think is a very good idea. It is an excellent idea when the patterns are not free. Unlike Knitty, the Twist Collective charges for their patterns, but unlike a magazine, they only charge you for the patterns you want. With a magazine or book, you have to buy all the patterns even if you only like one of them. With the Twist Collective, you only pay for what you want. This way, I imagine, they can give the designer their fair share.

Right now I'm working on my second Lissajous Sock first published on the Twist Collective. I've actually been working on this for some time. According to my Ravelry project page, I started it last October. It's a complicated pattern and half the battle is getting past the diamond at the cuff. The pattern itself is in depth, easy to understand and with large print charts that are easy to follow. The pattern was bought for me by a friend who lives in a far off land (another advantage of the online knitting magazine) and knit in Knit Picks Gloss, colour: cocoa.

The current issue has a lovely sock pattern with a recommended yarn by a local artist. The sock is Amaranth and yarn is by Indigo Moon. Way to go Trish.

Although, I must admit, I really have my eye on the Azami pattern. It looks like it would be fun to spin something up for it. Perhaps make a wool and silk blend. But I have so many other projects on the go at the moment that I think I'll leave it a while yet.

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