Wednesday, August 04, 2010

My new friend

For some reason this is the month for people to sell their antique spinning wheels. I've never seen a wheel this cheep before, so I had to go and have a look. Lovely! Needs a bit of love and it will be fully functional again.

This last photo is of a punch mark that was set into the wood, probably, by the maker of the wheel. I cannot quite make it out, maybe a little horse and a trident, or a THA?

I hate to admit it, but it's not the only wheel I bought this week. It is however, the only complete wheel.

If anyone knows of a source of spinning wheel restoration parts (particularly the miners head for a great wheel) I would love it if you would share it with me.

Also, where has that database of antique wheel maker marks gone?

1 comment:

  1. Lovely! I hope you'll easily find the parts you need and will have fun restoring your new friends. :)
