Sunday, February 26, 2012

My etsy destash handspun and any other key words I can fit in the title post

In order to scrounge up enough money to treat myself to some birthday presents, I am doing what knitters call a destash.

Today and for the next few days, I'm putting many of my hand spun yarns for sale on etsy. They are my prize best-spun-ever-saved-for-special-occasion yarn, but given how my hands have been lately, I don't think there will be much knitting in my future.

I will most likely put a few other objects online like vintage knitting books and perhaps some washed suri alpaca locks. But I don't want to push myself as it's difficult enough as it is to see these yarns go.

So please, tell your friends! Maybe even buy something for yourself and then let me know what you made with it. I would love to see what happens with these yarns.

And pst! just a hint, this one is my favourite. There is no photograph in the world that can do it justice.

I hope someone really nice buys it.


  1. I can imagine how hard it must be for you to let these gorgeous yarns go. I hope they'll go to loving homes, and you can treat yourself to something lovely!
