Anyone able to make a picture for me? I made a start already.
(oh, and don't forget about the free prize with purchase)
Over time, I lost my mad computer skills. Sure I can blog, and download photos from my camra, but to be honest, I can't do much else. I don't even know which of these programs to use to edit a picture.
And I really need to edit a picture.
My etsy shop needs a new banner. It needs to be 760 x 100 pixels.
This is what I would like it to look like:
Only, I wish it could look more professional. Anyone out there smart enough to help me out?
Oh, and here are some photos of the local geese is you need reminding of what they look like. It doesn't have to be a Canadian goose, I just don't know how to draw any other kind.
I don't know if you're on Ravelry, but there's a whole group of people who will do banners...
They take various payments, I sent one person 3 boxes of cereal that she couldn't get in her country. Another time, it was a yarn swap.
Thanks for the link Fluzz. I am on ravelry, but I hadn't come across that group yet.