Saturday, January 11, 2014

Distaff Day celebration

The Celebration of Distaff Day was today.  It's my first time going and I had loads of fun.

There was a lot to see and take in, most of the day was taken up with show and tell.  I love show and tell, well, the look and listen part.  I always just mumble through something when it comes my turn to talk, get so nervous I don't know a thing I said.  But I make the effort if only because I enjoy what everyone else has to show, I feel obligated to contribute something, even if it means speaking in public.

Because it's late, I'm not going to tell you much.  Instead, I would like to show you some of the things that inspired me today.  I apologize because the batteries on my camera were low and things turned a bit yellow during the day for some reason.  Thankfully the computer was able to return some of the colours to normal.

Begin the day by packing a lunch

We saw a double rainbow leading the way to where we were headed

An inspiring sweater made from old sweaters
It's very soft, and the woman dyed it after putting together

Lovely yarn that Kitten was spinning beside me

She took this which are some alpaca merino and silk merino fibres

used a blending board and made lovely rolags


Someone had found cotton at the local florist Up Island
however, the florist down where we live doesn't have them in.
I felt envy, but got over it when I saw what she did with it

The cotton carded and being spindle spun into lovely yarn/thread
It was less work to be inspired by seeing it in action,
then envious that I didn't have any cotton to play with

another mesmerizing spindle
 More photos of the event for later, as I saw all sorts of interesting wheels and other goodies I want to talk about.

On the way home we had to stop here of course

The Loom is packed full of lovely things

It's like someone thought it was a TARDIS
and tried to fit a universe of fibre and yarn inside it.

something I saw

Behind the Loom is a studio for weaving and fibre arts

"You must answer me these questions three,
ere the other side you see
What is your name?
What is your quest?
Where did they put the kitty treats?"

Inside there was all sorts of beautiful things.
but before we could admire them all
the power went out and it was spooky.
I think there are ghosts there.

We also stopped at the local grocery store to pick up a snack on the way home
and we saw
Cotton I can take home to play with.  This made me pleased.

The boat arriving to take us home.

Had a fantastic time, got a fair bit of spinning accomplished, met lots of lovely people, and got filled up with inspiration.  Not half bad for a days enjoyment.

1 comment:

  1. The yarn was coloured like the rainbow! Air is fresh after rain, and here in these photos waters breath is stong. I made my "google map" trip and also found:
    It looks interesting!

    I havent seen natural cotton and this was the first time I saw they can work it by hand.

