Friday, March 07, 2014

Handspun Silk and Bamboo

This lovely yarn has been hanging on my wall for a few weeks now.  I'm trying to convince myself into selling it, but it's so pretty.  I spun it with the intention of using it for warp.  I simply fell in love with the fibre when I saw it in the shop, hand dyed by Ryan of Knotty by Nature.  At roughly 40 wpi, it's very fine 2 ply yarn, strong and even, and I know it will be beautiful cloth...however, what would I use it for?

I'm trying very hard to limit my creativity to things that I can actually use or sell to fund my future sheep flock.  So as much as I adore this subtle variation of purple,  What can I make with roughly 800 yds that I would actually wear?  I'm less than half way through spinning the fibre, so will probably have close to 2000 yds when I'm through.  I'm not a shall person, so I don't have much interest in knitting with this.  Weaving, like I said before, appeals.  Use the bamboo silk for warp, and handspun cotton thread for weft... but then what?  I'll have some ultra-gorgeous luxury fabric and nothing to do with it.

I could spin up a bunch of white silk and use this purple yarn as warp highlights, make enough fabric for a dress... but I'm not a white and purple dress kind of person.

When I look at all the angles, no matter how much I love this yarn, I just don't know what to do with it.  Then I think how much I really want my new flock of sheep and how much more I want the sheep than the yarn, so I think, okay, tomorrow I'll list it for sale... but then I look at it again and think, oh that's pretty, I wonder what I could make with it.

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