Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Random animal pictures

 On the whole, I've been spending as little time on the internet as possible.  I feel frustrated by it, as it takes time away from doing actual things.  Sure it's great for instruction and information, but it takes too long to find anything anymore.  But anyway, here's some animal photos to let you know what's up on the farm these days.

geese getting nice and fat, ready for dinner
ram yearling wonders if they will try to eat his ear again

chickens dust bathing 

Abby, a Black Welsh Mountain x Southdown

And her wool
It's a real pity about her wool this year, it has a weak place in it about 2/3rds along, so that when you try to work with it, it makes little noils.

Sam, now called Larry, or when he's really in trouble Samwell Larry Spot, what have you gotten into this time?  But most of the time he's adorable and wants to eat green things - like garlic, or kale, or anything that is fenced off.

1 comment:

  1. You have made the best choice of paying more attention to your animals and real life than the computer.. it is a big time sucker. your animals are lovely.. brings back memories of when I had a farm.
