Saturday, October 02, 2021

Silkmoths - mindfully buggy

I have to admit, when I first got silkmoths (also known as silkworms), I was uncertain.

Why would any yarn loving wool guardian want to deliberately bring moths into the home?  As a gardener, I have nightmares of the ravenous damage cabbage moths can wreck on a garden.  

And yet, when they finally arrived home, I found I love them.  

They hatch out all black and spiky but very quickly turn into smooth milky munchkins.  There is something about their smell like fresh leaves.  Their sound is just light a light rain which is so gratifying to hear in the middle of summer when we've had no rain for months.  And their complete dependence on me for everything.  

I have to take the time to wash the leaves (I found out what happens when you skip that step this year - it wasn't pretty) and dry the leaves and clean their home and all the things they need to thrive.

Little break of mindfulness five times a day.  It's so easy to be right there, in the moment, even if that moment is only a few seconds while I toss some leaves in while I'm rushing to answer the phone.  

And then I'm rewarded with lovely silk cocoons.  And BEAUTIFUL moths.  

Hopefully, this video can capture some of the calm joy these little guys bring into my day.

More on the yarn making process another time.

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  1. Extremely interesting although it's a little creepy watching them. I'm glad you like them! I've worked with silk cocoons before and that was interesting too, but it's been awhile.

  2. That was really interesting – both the video, and your story of what they've come to mean to you. Thank you for sharing!
