I am looking for a young ewe lamb or two to hand raise and join my flock.
I have a small fibre flock and work from home. I love spending time with my sheep. But we aren't lambing this year and I miss having the little bleaters underfoot.
I would like to buy one or two young ewe-lambs, not yet weaned. Preferably a bummer that the mum is unable/unwilling to care for.
I have no specific breed in mind, but I would like it to be a squishy wool good for sweaters and socks (most of my current flock are Cotswolds). A Suffolk or Suffolk X would be lovely for sentimental reasons. Will consider "meat" breeds as they often have lovely fibre - what keeps a meat sheep happy and healthy also makes good wool.
This will be a forever home.
Rams, wethers, and hair sheep need not apply.
I put this in the local classified ads this week. I hope it gets some results.
Fingers crossed the perfect candidates see this and reach out to you! Your farm would be the most awesome forever home for them.