Saturday, March 05, 2022

fun and fluffy

 Long story.  There was a question about spinning fluffy yarn - probably angora.  But making sure it stays fluffy.

So we talked about all the different ways and I mentioned just ply it in.  


I tried to describe it. 


Tried to find a tutorial.


So I grabbed my camera and spent the morning making one:

Sorry about the lack of cute animals.  These youtube shorts are great exercise for me, but hard to get everything in under 58 seconds.  

I'm pretty sure I learned this technique from my spinning group.  But I can't for the life of me remember what it's called.

If anyone knows the name of this, please let me know.  

ps, this is even better if you use handspun silk, overtwisted, singles for the ply yarn, then ply as per usual but with the fluffy stuff getting caught between.  

1 comment:

  1. Interesting! And I love the idea in your PS; that sounds like a wonderful yarn. Filing it under "fun things to try one day"!
