Saturday, June 04, 2022

Internet detox

 It used to be that once a year I would take an internet vacation.  A month without internet, usually in February (because it's a short month).  I would try to get my work holiday to match and I would worry away at projects that need finishing or something I want to get started and done.

The last time I did that, I wrote a book.  

It's been a few years since I took my internet vacation and it's a bit like cookies on the browser, too much internet and I start to slow down and life clogs up.  It's hard to get away and spend time doing real-world things.

This year I can't do a proper internet detox, so I'm doing a longer one.  Max 1 hour per day on the internet (but more time for video editing).  Trying very hard to get the farm ready for spring, grow extra food in the garden, and film more projects for youtube.  

Sheep are very helpful... or enthusiastic.  

It means the same thing when you are a sheep.

But this internet vacation means I haven't had much time for blogging lately.  It also makes me realize how much I enjoy blogging again.  So I'll be back.

Just as soon as I can get a few more things done around the farm.  

Laying the flax out to dew ret - for more on that, here's a video:


  1. An annual vacation from the internet sounds like a wonderful idea. And I'm glad it helped you figure out how much you enjoy blogging. Forums and blogs are about my social networking speed.

  2. I'm happy to read that you enjoy blogging again! This longer, partial internet vacation sounds like a good way to achieve a good balance between consuming and creating. I'm keeping it in mind as I really do need to find a better balance on that front… I have so many ideas, and so much difficulty acting on them, especially when I get stuck going down internet rabbit holes. Less researching and more experimenting would be good for me, but it's really hard to get started. Anyway, all this to say: once again, thanks for the inspiration!
