Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Edititus Troglodytus (and a cloak update)

 Edititus Troglodytus: a subspecies of the Homo sapiens who dwells in dark grey caverns and worships glowing screens while moving around little boxes that look thus

The Cloak is done ... well...

done ish.  You'll see.  But the point is the project part of this adventure finished days ago.

It's the video editing part that has taken over my life.  I knew it would.  I knew the deadline was tight to do this all in a month.  I knew my health probably wasn't up for it.

So why did I take on #CAPEtember?  

So why did I decide to spin, weave, and sew a cloak in a month while making youtube videos about it, knowing full well that the youtube part quadruple the time required to get anything done?  

 Because I wanted to see if I could.

This is a test to see what it would be like to be 100% 50 hours a week a youtuber.  

I'm not there yet neither physically nor mentally.  

It was also a really crap month to do this test on myself as it's about the only month that the weather is perfect on the farm for getting things done outside.  Instead, I'm inside, hunched in front of the computer most of the month.  Because editing is still very slow for me.

How hard can editing be?  It's like writing a book.  We already know all the words, it's just a matter of putting them in the right order.

ha.  yeah.  

Basically, expect the final cloak video early next month.  I really like how it's coming together but I also need to eat and sleep, so I'm not pushing myself to get it out by Friday (although that would be nice).

I can see doing a follow-up video with many of the finishing touches for this cloak.  I'm also curious to answer a question that's been on my mind since I started this project: Are cloaks practical?  

The rest of the year should be pretty calm.  I've actually got most of the filming finished for the next few videos and can't wait to share them.  

I'll probably return to the once a month video posting so I can keep the quality up.  This will also give me a chance to work on some non-video projects like that winter coat I started last month.  

Actually, the delay with the coat turned out for the best as I learned some nifty tricks for working with that double-faced fabric I can't wait to try.  

1 comment:

  1. Trying to document this all in real-time (or close to it) must have been really challenging, especially since you went for an extra ambitious Cape-tember… I imagine that most of the other participants in that challenge were sewing their cape from bought fabric, which makes the endeavour quite a bit faster to complete and document.
    Anyway, I'm glad you're giving yourself the time you need to finish the video without rushing to meet an arbitrary deadline. Eating and sleeping are important! And I do believe that keeping the quality up is a better strategy to build your audience than cranking out tons of poorly-made videos.

    It's cool that delaying work on the coat turned out to be a good thing. I'm looking forward to hearing about those tricks you've learned! I'm also curious to hear your thoughts on whether cloaks are practical. I'm staying tuned for all of this, and everything else you have in store!
