A wooden sewing machine attachment box with the words (very small and hard to read) "patented 1880 ??BRUARY 19"
Pictures now, will edit this post with words later when I have time and know more about each one. Some of the feet I know some I don't. Some I know what they are for but haven't seen that method of attaching to the machine before.
This is a Singer Puzzle box. I've read about them, but never saw one before. It's very exciting to finally have one of my very own.
Here's a few links I found so far.
A manual on how to use the box and attachments(pdf)
A really great blog entry about these attachments with tutorial on how to use them.
nother copy of an original manual
A look at different puzzle boxes and attachments that come with them.
Feel free to leave a comment if you have any ideas. Edit: here, I'll number them to make things easier for commenting.
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4. how is it suppose to attach to the machine? |
5.I know what these ones do |
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Here's a link that has a photo of the manual and complete box set. Still trying to figure out how to attach it to the sewing machine.
second picture, left hand attachment is for hanging curtain I beam to wall.
I can name most of them - my mother and I collected antique singer machines.
I will try and get back to this and tell you about them.
We also are trying to figure out how to attache and use puzzle box hemming attachments with those horizontal posts. My wife has a 1909 Singer model 115 treadle.
5 minutes after posting I finally saw the light !! That's how it works.
The magic word is "hemmer foot". 9 out of 10 Singer puzzle boxes is missing that attachment. The puzzle box I got my wife was no exception. It is a narrow presser foot with a bump on the back that has a hole in it and screw to look posts in the hole. The very first puzzle box picture in your "A look at different puzzle boxes and attachments that come with them" shows one lying in its side. Top center of the pic. I found one on the internet and ordered it.
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