Some more oil pastel practice.
It's the metric system that did it. I ordered a few hundred 10x10 pieces of paper thinking that an american website would sell in inches. Only to find out that it was cm.
But good practice. Although I think the match box would look better if it didn't have such wonky sides.
There's something fun about playing with such bright colours.
1 comment:
"There's something fun about playing with such bright colours".
There's something fun about gazing at bright colors.
When I was a kid in school, every year we were told that eventually the US would switch to metric. For some reason, it never has. Now, with the internet and international buying and selling so common, it would seem all sites would offer both sizes. On the other hand, I'm finding that even when I know which measurement system is being used, that height, depth, and width are usually mixed up. sigh
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